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Understanding Pathways to Adolescent Pregnancy in SEA - Findings from Malaysia

Understanding Pathways to Adolescent Pregnancy in SEA - Findings from Malaysia
Understanding Pathways to Adolescent Pregnancy in SEA - Findings from Malaysia


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Understanding Pathways to Adolescent Pregnancy in SEA - Findings from Malaysia

Publication date

10 August 2023

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Adolescent pregnancy remains a pressing concern for girls in the Southeast Asia region, hampering their ability to pursue their dreams and aspirations.  The Understanding Pathways to Adolescent Pregnancy in Southeast Asia reports bring attention to the specific contexts, dynamics and influences that contribute to adolescent pregnancy in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Lao PDR.

These qualitative studies identify patterns driving adolescent pregnancy commonly found among adolescent girls, including those determined by their relationship or marital status, the extent of the girls’ autonomy in decision making and whether the context of sex leading to the pregnancy was consensual. Through these reports, girls have expressed their concerns and recommendations to decision-makers to recognize the implications of adolescent pregnancy for girls like them. The reports also underscore the importance of adolescent-responsive health services, comprehensive sexuality education, supportive relationships, and enabling environments that empower girls to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and lives.

These four country case studies build on the recommendation of the UNFPA-UNICEF joint report, “Beyond Marriage and Motherhood” containing "Patterns and Trends of Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Marriage in Southeast Asia and the Pacific" and "Tailoring Programme Interventions for Southeast Asia and the Pacific".

View findings from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Indonesia here.